Terms & Conditions

Terms of Service Agreement

You as an individual person and/or as the owner or authorized person of a business when choosing a Business Credit Plan (“you”, “your”, “yours”, “member”), have requested to enroll, register, sign up or subscribe (collectively, “Enroll” or “Enrolled”) for a service or product provided by the Identity Intelligence Group, LLC® dba IDIQ® its parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, and divisions (collectively, “IDIQ”, “we”, “our”, “us”).


This Terms of Service Agreement (this “Agreement”) is a legally binding agreement containing the terms and conditions (“Service Terms”) for Enrollment, use and receipt of the products and/or services provided by IDIQ described herein (collectively, the “Services”). You should carefully read this Agreement and the Service Terms below before you Enroll and use the Services. You agree to be bound by these Service Terms by either: (1) Enrolling for Services; (2) using any Services available on any IDIQ website (“Website” or Websites”); or (3) by clicking “I Agree” or otherwise electronically agreeing to be bound to these Service Terms.


IDIQ’s Services are grouped into various Service Plans described in detail on the Websites (the “Service Plans”). Each Service Plan generally includes one or more benefits or features (“Features”) Examples of Features provided by IDIQ in Service Plans available under the Service Terms described in this Agreement include (i) identity protection monitoring, identity theft insurance, identity theft information and identity theft assistance (collectively, “Protection Services”) and (ii) credit related services and/or products such as credit reports, credit scores, credit monitoring, credit alerts and credit information (collectively, “Credit Services”). Other Services in addition to Protection Services and Credit Services may also be provided in Service Plans which shall be governed under these Service Terms. The Enrollment process described below and, on our Websites, (“Enrollment Process”) will provide you with a summary of the Services you are purchasing in any applicable Service Plan as well as the costs, additional applicable terms and any special offer details.


The information on IDIQ’s Websites is intended as a convenience to provide you with information about our Services, Service Plans, and a method to Enroll. Once you are Enrolled, you will have access to a password secured member website (“Member Site”) where you must go to access any Enrolled IDIQ Services. Access to the Member Site will continue if you are Enrolled and paying for Services. In some cases, such as Business Credit Plan, you may access some of those services through an alternate website directly connected to your IDIQ Services Member Site. In all cases, Your access to the Websites is provided “As-Is”.

The copying, framing, mirroring, scraping or data mining of our Websites or any of its contents in any form or by any method is strictly prohibited. Access to our Websites does not grant you any right, license, or privilege to reproduce, publish or use any material from the Websites or any property of IDIQ except as expressly set forth herein. Any ideas, concepts, techniques, procedures, methods, systems, designs, plans, charts or other materials you transmit to us through e-mail, phone, or our Websites will become our property (subject to applicable law) and may be used by us at any time and for any purpose, without restriction, unless otherwise agreed to by IDIQ or prohibited by law.

IDIQ may provide internet links to websites owned or operated by other entities and persons. If you use these websites, you do so at your own risk. IDIQ makes no warranties or representations regarding these websites, and shall not be liable or responsible for, any linked websites, your use of such sites, or the comprehensiveness or accuracy of information or materials appearing thereon or any products, publications, subject matter or services described thereon. Furthermore, links do not imply that IDIQ sponsors, endorses or is affiliated or associated with such sites, or that any linked website is authorized to use any registered mark, service mark, website look – feel – design, trademark, trade name, logo or copyright of IDIQ.

By using our Websites, you agree not to restrict or inhibit anyone from using or enjoying our Websites. In your use of our Websites, you shall not knowingly nor negligently transmit any viruses, malware, trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots or other similar harmful or deleterious programming routines.


The Enrollment process will provide you with a summary of the Services you are purchasing, including costs and other details about your Service Plan(s). When you Enroll, you represent that you are a natural person, at least eighteen (18) years of age and residing in the United States or its territories. If you are purchasing a Business Credit Plan, then you further agree that you are an owner or person authorized by the company to access a company credit report. You further agree to provide IDIQ with personal information necessary to access and provide our Services to you. Some Services provided by IDIQ may include the option to Enroll your minor children provided you are the parent or legal guardian.


Except for the Enrollment of your minor children, you warrant that you are Enrolling for yourself or your own business and not on behalf of any other individual or business. You agree that your use of the Services does not violate applicable laws and that you agree with these Service Terms and the IDIQ Privacy Policy as found online at: https://www.idiq.com/privacy-policy/ . You further agree that your use of the Services constitutes your acceptance of these Service Terms. If you do not agree to these Service Terms, you must not Enroll.

IDIQ reserves the right to refuse to allow anyone to Enroll at its sole discretion, such as where there has been a history of misusing our Websites, creating phony Enrollments in an IDIQ Service, misusing IDIQ Service special offers, filing fraudulent credit card chargeback requests on a previous IQID Service or non-payment of Services or any other reason.

To Enroll in an IDIQ Service you have the following Enrollment method options available:

Online Enrollment - To start your Enrollment Process to access the Services you and/or you as the owner or authorized person of a business will need to click a Website button such as “start membership” from an IDIQ Website. The Enrollment Process will prompt you to provide personal information such as your full name, birth date, residence address, email address, social security number and payment card information. If you are also purchasing a Business Credit Plan, then you may be prompted to provide information about the business such as the business name and address. During the online Enrollment Process, you will be required to complete an identity authentication as defined in the preceding paragraph.

Phone Assisted Enrollment – If made available, you and/or you as the owner or authorized person of a business can speak with a customer service representative of IDIQ to enroll by phone. During the Enrollment process, the IDIQ representative will collect information from you that is needed for your Enrollment such as your full name, birth date, residence address, email address, social security number, payment card information and your desired Service Plan. If you are also purchasing a Business Credit Plan, then you may be prompted to provide information about the business such as the business name and address. Certain important summary details will be provided to you during the call related to the use of your payment card and access to credit related services. The phone Enrollment process for any Credit Services or Protection Services will include such verifications as IDIQ deems necessary to evidence your authorization to allow IDIQ to access your credit as further described below in the Section titled “FCRA Authorization”. For example, you may be required to correctly answer questions provided to us from the credit bureaus related to your credit report for a one-time identity verification. After the phone Enrollment is completed, you will receive an email or other communications that includes among other things, a link to this Agreement and a link to the Member Site login page where you may login and access your Services. If for any reason you do not agree to this Agreement, then your only option will be to cancel your Services. To cancel your Service, see the Cancellation and Refunds Section of this Agreement below.

Entering and maintaining accurate information during and after Enrollment is critical to the accuracy and availability of the Services you desired. Examples of how inaccurate information may affect your Services include non-delivery of Service alerts due to an incorrect email address, inaccurate credit reports due to incorrect personal information or temporary deactivation of Services due to failure to pay fees arising from outdated or incorrect payment card information. If your personal information changes, you must keep it up to date so that your Services are not disrupted. You may update your personal information from the Member Site or by calling IDIQ’s customer service. IDIQ is not responsible for inaccurate personal information you enter that may disrupt your Services.

ANY PERSON USING DECEPTION TO KNOWINGLY AND WILLFULLY OBTAIN A CONSUMER OR BUSINESS CREDIT REPORT, SCORE, OR CREDIT SERVICES MAY FACE CRIMINAL PROSECUTION. If you do not successfully complete the identity authentication step, you will be prompted to contact IDIQ’s customer service by phone at the soonest possible time to complete the Process manually. If you do not complete your identity authentication within a reasonable period of time, IDIQ may, at its election, either terminate your Enrollment entirely or IDIQ may, but shall not be required to, provide Features to you that do not require an identity authentication (“Pending Authorization Features”). Pending Authorization Features may include notifications of certain events or matters impacting your credit or identity for which you may desire additional Services. Once you have successfully completed the identity authentication, you may upgrade your Service to any available Service Plan by logging into the Member Site or calling IDIQ customer service.

Group Enrollment If you are a member of a union, association, national organization, or an employee of an employee who has entered into an agreement with IDIQ (“Group”) to provide a group benefit (“Group Benefit”), you may be pre-enrolled in our service by that Group. Pre-enrollment means your name (at a minimum) shall be entered in our systems as a person authorized to activate a membership in an IDIQ Group Benefit plan. In some cases, your Group may also provide other information such as your contact phone number, email address or state of residency. In all cases, your membership will not be activated for use under the Group Benefit plan until you elect to finish the full online Enrollment process. If you do not elect to complete the full online Enrollment process, Services will not be activated and made available to you.

If you were pre-enrolled by your affiliated Group, you acknowledge and agree that you have authorized your Group to provide the necessary personal information about you to pre-enroll you for our Services. Once your Group has pre-enrolled you, you may receive communications from IDIQ and/or your Group with further instructions on how you would complete online Enrollment and activate your Services.

IDIQ may communicate with authorized persons from your Group about items related to the Enrollment, delivery and if applicable, payment of your Services. However, IDIQ will at no time disclose or provide any personal identifiable access or information to your specific Services such as your credit data or monitoring data. Such communications between IDIQ and your Group are strictly related to the management and delivery of the Group Benefit. We may, however, share analytical data related to all participants in your Group Benefit with your Group. However, in all cases, such data will not personally identify you. If you cancel your Services, your Group may be notified in order make administrative and if applicable, payment changes.


In some cases, your Service Plan from IDIQ may include Group Benefits, discounts, special or introductory offers (“Special Offers”). If your Enrollment includes one of these Special Offers, it will be presented to you during the Enrollment Process. Otherwise, no Special Offers shall apply to your purchase. Special Offers, may include:

Introductory Offers – These Special Offers are generally intended to allow first-time customers to try our Services under special terms such as a reduced cost and/or limited Services for a period of time (the “Offer Period”). If you have been offered such an “introductory offer” the following will apply:

  • Your welcome email will include a description of your Services and Service Plan, a receipt and further information on how you may cancel your Services prior to expiration of the Offer Period.
  • After the Offer Period expires, your Service Plan will convert automatically to the regular price disclosed during your Enrollment Process and available in your Member Site. When required, you may be notified in advance by email of expiration of the Offer Period and/or any increase in price. Except as expressly provided in any introductory offer for the Offer Period, all of the Service Terms and other provisions of this Agreement applicable to your Service Plan shall apply.

Group / Employee Plan Discounts – These Special Offers are intended to allow Groups to enroll in our Services under special terms or Service Plans. Group Benefits are negotiated between IDIQ and Groups and are only available to members of Groups who have separate agreements with IDIQ. If you are an applicable Group member, during Enrollment you must provide the applicable Group identification, code, password, URL or other identifiers, associated with the Service Plan to receive Group Benefits. Except as expressly provided in any applicable Group Benefit program, all of the Service Terms and other provisions of this Agreement applicable to your Service Plan shall apply.


In addition to Service Plans, certain individual Features such as a credit report may also be offered as a one-time purchase (“A la carte”). Each Service Plan may contain a different arrangement of Features. Any Service Plan or A la carte you purchased can be viewed and accessed in your Member Site.

Identity Protection Services/Features

Some Service Plans may provide you with Features offering identity Protection Services. Depending on your Service Plan, Protection Services may include identity theft monitoring and alerts, identity theft insurance, identity theft information and assistance or other Features.

Identity Protection Monitoring – Protection Services may include one or more types of identity protection monitoring (“Protection Monitoring”). Depending on your Service Plan such Protection Monitoring may include monitoring of criminal records, dark web, social security number, change of address loan applications or other activities tied to your personal information that could signal a possibility of credit fraud or identity theft. In some cases, you may need to manually activate your Protection Monitoring Services from the Member Site. The Member Site will indicate when Protection Monitoring has become active. Protection Monitoring may be provided to you through third party providers. If a monitored event occurs, we will attempt to electronically alert you by email and/or text. A more detailed report associated with the alert may be available from the Member Site. Notwithstanding any Protection Monitoring, by agreeing to these Service Terms, you acknowledge that IDIQ cannot monitor for all the possible ways your identity could be breached, and that Protection Monitoring cannot identify all the potential ways that your identity or credit could be fraudulently accessed or used. You further agree and acknowledge that the type(s) of Protection Monitoring we provide to you may change from time to time.

Identity Protection Insurance – Depending on your Service Plan should you become a victim of identity theft you may be covered for certain losses in accordance with identity theft insurance included in your Service Plan. Your Service Plan may also extend this coverage to some of your immediate family members up the limit of the insurance Feature. You may be able to add family members beyond the insurance limit at an additional cost. Identity theft insurance is provided solely through a licensed third-party insurer. All insurance service claims, and specific insurance customer service will be provided through the third-party insurance provider. To file a claim, contact IDIQ customer service at the number provided from your Member Site. The customer service agent will provide you with contact information to the third-party insurance provider where you can file your claim. If your Plan includes identity theft insurance, you agree to such insurance coverage and that the premium for such insurance coverage will be paid by us on your behalf. You agree to receive notices of insurance changes electronically.

Identity Restoration Service Assistance –Your Service Plan may include access to an IDIQ Identity Theft Restoration Specialist and/or for a business credit plan a third-party business identity theft restoration specialist such as Experian® (“Identity Restoration Specialist”). The Identity Theft Restoration Specialist is available to answer questions about identity theft monitoring alerts and questions about handling identity theft events within the limits of the Service Plan you purchased.

In some cases, your Service Plan may offer the option for you to provide IDIQ with a Limited Power of Attorney (“LPOA”) to authorize and permit IDIQ and your assigned Identity Restoration Specialist to execute routine related identity restoration tasks that may be associated with an identity theft event (“Event”) such as contacting your creditors, providing notification of your Event or requesting the issuance of a new credit card to you. If your Service Plan includes Services pursuant to an LPOA you will be required to enter into other agreements in connection with the LPOA and its uses. Creditors, banks and other entities we attempt to contact in pursuant to an LPOA on your behalf may have their own policy and may not recognize or accept the LPOA. In such cases, IDIQ will be unable to perform any LPOA related Services on your behalf with such third party. YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO UTILIZE AN LPOA AS PART OF OUR IDENTITY RESTORATION SERVICES. See the LPOA agreement for further details, disclosures, and instructions as available.

Credit Services

Some Service Plans may provide you with credit related services (“Credit Services”). Credit Services Features may include, among other things, the ability to access (i) your credit report(s) from one or more credit bureaus, (ii) Credit Scores derived from your credit report data, (iii) credit monitoring of selected data from your credit report and (iv) alerts. Your enrollment in a Service Plan with Credit Services is dependent on the applicable credit bureau’s ability to find your credit data in their records using the personal information you provide to IDIQ and successfully authenticating your identity during your Enrollment. If the applicable credit bureau(s) cannot find some or all your credit data, then the Credit Services may be incomplete or, in some cases, not available.

FCRA Authorization – You understand that Enrolling in Credit Services and submitting to these Service Terms, constitutes “written instructions” in accordance with the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, as amended (“FCRA”) to access your personal credit profile to provide you with Services. This FCRA authorization shall extend to IDIQ and its service providers (including, but not limited to ConsumerInfo.com, Inc.), to obtain information from your personal credit profile from Experian®, TransUnion® and Equifax®, the three major credit reporting agencies or bureaus. This Agreement constitutes your written instructions authorize IDIQ, on a recurring basis, to use your Social Security number to obtain your credit related data file from any credit bureau(s) so we can deliver the Credit Services you have purchased.

Credit Reports – Your Credit Services may include obtaining one or more credit reports These credit reports may be provided by one or more third party credit bureau(s). When you use our Member Site to access your credit report(s), you agree and understand that; (a) your credit report(s) may be stored and accessible from the Member Site for a limited time not to exceed 1 year, (b) your credit report(s) may not be available to you after you cancel your Services, (c) IDIQ is not responsible for the information, accuracy or content of your credit report data file, including but not limited to any associated Credit Score, (d) if you want to dispute any information found on your credit report(s), you must contact the issuing credit bureau(s) and follow their procedures to dispute the information.

Credit Scores – Your Credit Services may include access to a credit score from a third-party provider such as FICO®, VantageScore® or others (each, a “Credit Score Provider”). Credit scores are available in the marketplace using many types of mathematical models. These models generally calculate a score based on information found in your credit report data file at the date and time the report data is accessed (a “Credit Score”). IDIQ does not have its own model to determine your Credit Score, but, rather, obtains your Credit Score from Credit Score Providers. Each Credit Score Provider has its own proprietary model(s) for calculating your Credit Score and thus Credit Scores may differ based on the model(s) used. More information about the Credit Score Providers and your Credit Scores available in IDIQ’s Credit Services (such as FICO®, or VantageScore ®) can be found on the Website and Member Site. When you use our Member Site to access your Credit Score(s), you agree and understand that; (a) your Credit Scores may be stored and accessible from the Member Site for a limited time, (b) your Credit Scores may not be available to you after you cancel your Services, (c) IDIQ is not responsible for the information, accuracy or content used to create your Credit Score.

Credit Monitoring – Your Plan may include credit monitoring (“Credit Monitoring”). Credit Monitoring generally monitors one or more of your IDIQ provided credit bureau data files for activity that could signal a possibility of credit fraud or identity theft. In some cases, you may need to manually activate your Credit Monitoring services from the Member Site. The Member Site will indicate when your Credit Monitoring has become active. If a monitored event occurs, we will attempt to electronically alert you by email and/or text. A more detailed report associated with the Credit Monitoring alert may be available from the Member Site. By agreeing to these Service Terms, you acknowledge that not all transactions or Credit Score changes will be monitored including some that may involve the potential for fraudulent use of your identity or credit. The type of Credit Monitoring we provide to you may change from time to time.

Credit Score Monitoring – Your Plan may include Credit Score monitoring (“Score Monitoring”). Score Monitoring may generally monitor your Credit Score(s) from one or more Credit Score providers used by IDIQ for your Credit Services. Score Monitoring may monitor for changes and other events associated with your Credit Score. The Member Site will indicate when your Score Monitoring has become active. If a monitored event occurs, you may be electronically alerted. A more detailed report associated with the Score Monitoring alert may be available from the Member Site. Your score may be graphically tracked and presented to you through the Member Site. By agreeing to these Service Terms, you acknowledge that not all Credit Score changes or Credit Score models will be monitored. The type of Score Monitoring we provide to you may change from time to time.

Interactive Self-Help Tools – Interactive credit related self-help tools (“Tools”) are made available to you through our Member Site in some Service Plans. These Tools are offered to you in some Service Plans with Feature names such as “the Credit Score simulator” or “IQAlerts”, “Synthetic ID Theft”, “ScoreTracker”, and “ScoreCasterIQ™” These Tools are provided by third parties not affiliated with IDIQ. The information displayed from these Tools is based on point-in-time data and may not necessarily be representative of recent occurrences such as bankruptcy, foreclosure, late payments, new accounts or other matters which may potentially impact your Credit Score and the accuracy or outcome of Tools.

The Tools we make available to you are intended to educate and assist you with general Credit Score related scenarios that may be based on a broad scope of credit report related data. All Tools are provided to you “As-Is”. IDIQ does not represent or guarantee Tool accuracy or that use of Tools will help you raise your Credit Score, or establish or rebuild good credit, or improve your credit record, credit history or credit rating.

The Tools do not consider your personal financial situation. Your personal financial situation is unique and the information from Tools may not be appropriate or representative of your personal situation. Accordingly, before making any final decisions or implementing any Credit Score management strategy, you are advised to obtain additional information and advice from a domain expert such as a financial advisor who is fully aware of your individual circumstances. IDIQ is not a credit repair organization and cannot provide you with advice or assistance in improving your credit report, credit history or Credit Score rating. Tools are based on information and criteria used in the United States of America and are not appropriate for use in other jurisdictions.

Credit Related Information – Your Service Plan may include access to an IDIQ Credit Specialist. The Credit Specialist can answer general questions about credit monitoring alerts, credit reports, Credit Scores, and how to dispute inaccurate information on your credit report. However, Credit Specialists are not allowed to provide you with specific credit related advice to your situation. You understand and agree that IDIQ cannot assist you to directly to place fraud alerts, a credit report freeze or dispute information on your credit report.

Other Services/Features

Some Service Plans also provide you with other Features not directly related to Credit Services or identity Protection Services. If your Service Plan includes one or more of these Features and/or you purchase one or more of these Features to add to your existing Service Plan, then you may be required to agree to an addendum to these Service Terms (or an “end user license agreement” for those Features that are software related). Some of these Features are described below:

Bitdefender® Cybersecurity - Bitdefender is a software security which, if included in your Service Plan may include anti-virus software, internet security software, endpoint security software, and other cybersecurity products and services. To access, download and use this Feature, you will be required to agree to a separate “end user license agreement”. If you do not agree to end user license agreement, you will not be able to use this Feature.

Business Credit Plan – For members who own a business, IDIQ may make available one or more business credit related features within your personal active IDIQ Service Plan. The Business Credit Plan may consist of, but is not limited to business credit reports from one or more sources, business credit scores from or more sources, business credit monitoring and more.


Before you can use IDIQ’s Services, you must Enroll and pay applicable fees (“Fees”) associated with a Service Plan or an A la Carte purchase. All Fees must be paid in United States currency. Fees for a Service Plan or A la carte purchase may involve a one-time cost or a recurring charge based on the purchased Services. If your Service Plan involves a recurring charge, you may be provided with the option to pay monthly, quarterly or annually by one or more of the payment options that may be made available to you and are listed below.

Direct Pay - By agreeing to these Service Terms and in accordance with our Privacy Policy, you agree to provide an accepted credit or debit card (“Payment Card”) in good standing. Your Payment Card will be retained and stored by us for use when you first Enroll or make any purchase in our Services. Your Payment Card will be charged immediately when you first Enroll. If applicable, your Payment Card will also be used for the automatic renewal of recurring Fees for Services you have purchased. When required, you will be notified in advance, by email, when a recurring payment is scheduled to be charged.

If your Payment Card information changes or you prefer to use an alternate Payment Card, then you are responsible to update the information at the Member Site or by calling IDIQ customer service. We reserve the right to (a) verify that your Payment Card is authorized for Fees prior to processing any purchase or renewal from you, (b) access automatic updates of your Payment Card information electronically from your bank provider, (c) retry failed payments in order fulfill your Services payment obligation.

Group / Employee Discount Plan – In some cases, Services may be paid directly by your Group or employer. Your Group or employer may be responsible to collect Fees from you, if applicable. In the case where your Group or employer do not pay for your Services, your Service Plan could be affected, as outlined below.


In all cases, you are personally responsible for any local, state, federal or other taxes that may be associated with your purchases of our Services. We also reserve the right to collect such taxes at the time any purchase is processed with your Payment Card.


The length of time that your Services will continue will be provided to you when you Enroll and from your Member Site (the “Term”). A la carte and some Service Plans you purchase may be a one-time purchase or will continue only for limited Term. Other Service Plans are considered a recurring monthly subscription purchase which shall continue indefinitely (a “Recurring Subscription”). Unless you cancel, or your account is terminated, a Recurring Subscription’s Term will automatically continue indefinitely. You will be responsible to pay the Fees of a Recurring Subscription when you Enroll and each month thereafter. IDIQ reserves the right change its Fees for Individual Items and Service Plans (including Recurring Subscription Service Plans) from time to time as permitted by law. Current Fee information for all Individual Items and Service Plans can be found on the Websites. In addition to posting on the Member Site and Websites, you will be notified prior to any Fee increase for a Recurring Subscription via one of the communication Methods noted below (an “Increase Notice”). Prior to imposition of any Fee increase on a Recurring Subscription you shall have up to sixty (60) days elect to downgrade your Service Plan with a lower Fee structurer you may cancel your Recurring Subscription.


You may cancel your Services at any time using any of the following methods:

  • Contact IDIQ’s customer service by phone during regular business hours using the phone number published in the Member Site or found in this Agreement. To cancel, we must verify your identity during the phone call.
  • When available, click the “cancel button” found in your Member Website.

Once your Service Plan has been cancelled, the Features associated with the cancelled Service Plan such as identity protection monitoring, credit monitoring and credit reports will immediately be discontinued. You may in some cases still have access to login to the Member Site to use certain no cost Features or to make future purchases. PLEASE NOTE, CANCELLATION OF A SERVICE PLAN DOES NOT CANCEL YOUR WRITTEN FCRA AUTHORIZATION FOR IDIQ TO CONTINUE TO ACCESS YOUR CREDIT INFORMATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE SERVICE TERMS. Accordingly, we may, at our sole discretion, continue to monitor your credit (at no additional fee to you) and we may alert you if a suspicious event occurs and/or notify you of Special Offers and Service Plans that may be valuable to you arising from such credit monitoring that you may desire to purchase.


IDIQ reserves the right to cancel or terminate Services to you upon reasonable notice, with or without cause.


Modifications to Service Terms

IDIQ reserves the right to modify these Service Terms and our Services at any time for any reason. If this Service Agreement or our Services are modified, and you are materially affected (a “Material Change”), we will make a commercially reasonable effort to notify you by email and/or via the Member Site. If you disagree with a Material Change, your only option will be to cancel your Services. In some circumstances, you may be prompted to re-agree to these Service Terms. This could occur upon a Material Change or if a period of time has elapsed since your Service Plan Enrollment. In such an instance, you must re-agree to the Service Terms to continue your Services.

Services Not Offered

You acknowledge that IDIQ does not provide credit counseling, debt management, legal advice, tax advice, financial advice, credit repair or credit advice. IDIQ is not a lender, broker or insurance company. If You enrolled in an IDIQ Business Credit Plan, then some Features commonly available in non-business plans may not be available or may not apply to your business.

Outcome and Expectation of Services

You acknowledge that IDIQ is not responsible for the accuracy of your credit report, Credit Score or any monitoring output. These Features may be provided by third party services. You are encouraged to dispute any actual or perceived inaccuracies on your credit report by contacting the affected credit bureau(s). You acknowledge and agree that IDIQ will not be liable to you or your enrolled minor children or any third party based on your reliance of or use of any information we provide to you in any communication, alert, educational material, communication, website, customer service conversation or report.

Fair Credit Reporting Act

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”) allows you as single person, to obtain a copy of all the information in your consumer credit file from a consumer reporting agency for a reasonable charge. This is not applicable for Business Credit Plans. Full disclosure of information in your file at the three national credit repositories (“Repositories”) can be obtained directly from the Repositories at:

Experian: www.experian.com
Equifax: www.equifax.com
Trans Union: www.transunion.com

The FCRA also states that individuals are entitled to receive a disclosure directly from the consumer reporting agency free of charge under the following circumstances:

  • You certify in writing that you are unemployed and intend to apply for employment in the 60-day period beginning on the day you make the certification; or
  • You are on public welfare assistance; or
  • You have reason to believe that your file at the consumer reporting agency contains inaccurate information due to fraud; or
  • You have been denied credit, insurance, or employment within the past 60 days because of your credit report.

The FCRA also permits consumers to dispute inaccurate information in their credit report without charge. Accurate information cannot be changed. You do not have to purchase your credit report or other information from IDIQ to dispute inaccurate or incomplete information in your credit file maintained by Experian, Equifax, or TransUnion.

Credit reports provided from IDIQ are not intended to constitute the disclosure of Experian, Equifax, or TransUnion information required by the FCRA or similar state laws.

The FCRA allows consumers to get one free comprehensive disclosure of all the information in their credit file from each of the credit Repositories once every 12 months through a central source. Although comprehensive, the credit reports from each of the Repositories that are available from an IDIQ Service Plan may not have the same information as a credit report obtained directly from the three Repositories or through the central source. To request your free annual report under the FCRA, you must go to www.annualcreditreport.com. You can also contact the central source to request this free annual disclosure by calling toll free 877-FACTACT (877-322-8228) or by using the mail request form available at the central source website. The Services at our Websites are not related to the free FCRA disclosure that you may be entitled to.

Consumers residing in the states of Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Vermont may receive an additional free copy of their credit report once per year and residents of the state of Georgia may receive two (2) additional copies per year. For Illinois residents, credit reporting agencies are required by law to give you a copy of your credit record upon request at no charge or for a nominal fee.

To view the full Fair Credit Reporting act, go to: https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/documents/statutes/fair-credit-reporting-act/545a_fair-credit-reporting-act-0918.pdf

Access to Services and System Requirements

To utilize and access Services you are Enrolled in, you must use a computer or smart phone with internet access, a web browser and a working email address. IDIQ is not responsible for your ability to access email, the internet or phone services.

Your Protection and Conduct

The security of your account and data is of the utmost importance. To access our Member Site, you must have a valid login user ID and password. You will receive your user ID and password after you Enroll in one of our Services for the first time. You are responsible to maintain the security and confidentiality of the password associated with your IDIQ account. If you forget your password or feel your password has been compromised, you may quickly reset your password by choosing the “forgot password” option at our Website login or by calling IDIQ customer service.

Passwords are imperfect security measures so you must not expose your social security number or other personal information to anyone that might misuse it. You further agree that any information you print from the Member Site, such as your credit report, will be protected in a manner like other important documents you may have. Finally, you agree that if you intend to dispose of your credit report or other printed personal information that was printed from the Member Site, that you will shred or use another method of disposal that reasonably assures the documents cannot be viewed or reused by an unauthorized person.

Privacy and Who May Use IDIQ’s Services

You acknowledge that we may use your personal and/or business information in accordance with our Privacy Policy found on our Websites at: https://www.idiq.com/privacy-policy/. You further agree that the Privacy Policy is considered a part of this Agreement. You authorize IDIQ and its employees and agents to: (a) access and obtain account information and reports about you or, if applicable to your Service Plan, your enrolled minor children through our 3rd party services, such as credit bureau(s), (b) to act on your behalf as your representative for the purpose of obtaining information to provide you with the Services you have Enrolled in, and (c) to view your information and reports, when they are available to us, to provide customer support to you.

You agree that you will enroll in our Services only for your own behalf (and your minor children, if applicable) and/or as the owner or authorized person of a business for a Business Credit Plan. You are responsible for your use of the Member Site and your membership account. Minor children may not Enroll. You must notify IDIQ immediately of any unauthorized use of your membership or the theft or loss of your membership access credentials.

Managing your Personal Information

In some cases, your Services may include a Feature that allow you to share selected reports, your credit score(s) and other data (“Information”) from your IDIQ membership account with a third party. You will have the ability to choose what Information may be shared, to whom and the ability to discontinue such access to those third parties.

If you elect to use this Feature, you understand that IDIQ is not responsible for how such a third party protects the Information you release. This may include, but is not limited, to how they use it, how they store it, what security precautions they use and how they may destroy it. For absolute clarity, once you release your Information to a third party, there are no controls, security or protections that IDIQ controls with that third party and you will need to assure yourself that such third party will handle your Information properly as you desire. To that extent, the use of this Feature and the sharing of your Information is completely at your risk.

Communication Authorization and Methods

To deliver our Services to you, we and our contractors and/or authorized third parties may need to communicate with you in a variety of ways, including telephone, email, postal mail or text (“Methods”). In some cases, when a telephone is used, we may use an automated phone dialer and you acknowledge that by providing your cell phone number and other information upon Enrollment or otherwise to IDIQ that you expressly authorize such Methods. Because all Communications to you are provided in some way through a third-party provider (such as internet and cell service providers), we cannot guarantee and are not responsible to assure that any communications are delivered in a timely, complete and secure manner or at all.

By Enrolling in our Services, you agree that IDIQ and its employees, contractors or authorized third parties may contact you by using any of the Methods described above. The frequency of communications will vary based on the Service Plan you purchase and the events that may occur with your account, credit or identity information requiring communications such as alerts.

You also agree to allow us to communicate with you using the Methods described above after you cancel your Service. Such communications may include but are not limited to; (a) ongoing educational information related to our Services, (b) special offers to renew or purchase IDIQ Services, or (c) special third party offers at IDIQ’s sole discretion, credit and/or identity monitoring alerts if a suspicious event occurs.

You agree to maintain your current contact information in your account through the Member Site or by calling IDIQ customer service. You acknowledge that IDIQ has no liability to you; (a) if contact information you have provided is not accurate, (b) if any third-party communication services you obtain are not working correctly or at all, (c) for third-party party charges you may incur that are associated with communications we send to you (such as text message fees). This includes, but is not limited to, your third-party communications providers for data, mobile phone or land phone line plans. IDIQ has no responsibility for text message fees and roaming charges assessed to you through your phone provider. You may have the ability to opt-out of certain communication Methods, such as texting, by changing your preferences at the Member Site or by calling IDIQ customer service.

Third Party Offers and Services

You acknowledge that certain Features offered in your Service Plan may be provided by parties other than IDIQ who are not affiliated with or under common control with IDIQ (“Third Parties”). Additionally, you may be offered products, services, or other offerings through the Member Site or through other Methods permitted by applicable law from Third Parties (“Third Party Offerings”). These Third-Party Offerings may provide you with discounted or valuable products or services to compliment your Services or which may otherwise be of interest to you. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law and IDIQ’s Privacy Policy ( https://www.idiq.com/privacy-policy/ ), you authorize IDIQ to share or sell your contact information with Third Parties to enable you to receive Third Party Offerings. You may opt out of any such authorization as noted in the “Discontinue Selected Participation” section below.

You agree and understand that Third Party Offerings are not provided by IDIQ and that IDIQ is not responsible for such Third-Party Offerings. When you click on a Third-Party Offering link from our Member Site you acknowledge that you are leaving the IDIQ Member Site and going to a website owned and controlled by the Third Party. Purchasing Third Party Offerings is an independent decision you can make at your own risk. If you click a link or visit a website associated with a Third Party Offering, you acknowledge and agree that the control and security of the Third Party’s website is not managed or controlled by IDIQ and is not IDIQ’s responsibility. Should you decide to purchase a Third Party Offering you further agree that IDIQ is not responsible in any way for the Third Party Offering. This includes the security of Third Party’s website, level of support you receive, timeliness or quality of the service or product, your satisfaction, refunds or cost of the service or product.

Customer Surveys and Reviews

By submitting any customer survey responses or statements, reviews or other content (“Responses”) to IDIQ you grant IDIQ a perpetual, royalty free, irrevocable, transferrable right to nonexclusive license to use, copy, modify, adapt, publish, translate, delete, create works, sell distribute and utilize the Responses into any form we wish throughout the United States or the World with no compensation to you. You will not have any control to review or edit Responses used by IDIQ. IDIQ reserves the right to use or not use your Responses for any other purpose at our own discretion.

If you create Responses, you agree, warrant and represent that; (a) you are the lone author and owner of the Responses, (b) all Response are accurate first hand experiences to you, (c) you are a current or past customer of IDIQ, (d) your Responses will not cause injury to any person or entity, (e) you will not infringe any third-party registered mark, service mark, website look-feel-design, copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary rights, (f) your Responses do not violate any laws, (g) your Responses are not hateful, offensive, unlawfully threatening, harassing, defamatory or libelous to any person or entity, and (h) you have not been compensated by IDIQ or any third-party to produce your Responses.

Discontinue Selected Participation (Opt-Out)

In some cases, under applicable law or IDIQ’s Privacy Policy ( https://www.idiq.com/privacy-policy/ ), you may choose to discontinue or “opt-out” from certain communications and/or Services that we provide to you. Once you have performed the opt-out request and it has been processed, then you will no longer receive the special offers and/or communications and/or Services that you requested discontinued.

Opt-Out Type

What this means

Methods to Opt-Out

Do not sell my information

Should you decide that you do not want special offers from Third Parties you may opt-out of having your information sold to such Third Parties. By opting out, this will only prevent IDIQ from sharing your contact information with such Third Parties going forward.

ONLINE - Login to your Member Site > navigate to Account Settings and then de-select the Marketing Opt-In checkbox.

PHONE - Call IDIQ member support at (877) 875 - 4347 and request to opt-out of IDIQ special offers.

EMAIL - Click the opt-out/unsubscribe link contained in an email offer you received containing any Third Party Offering.

Special Offers

Should you decide that you do not want special offers from IDIQ, or Third Parties as defined elsewhere in this Agreement, you may opt-out of communications about these offers going forward. Opt-out will not stop communications associated with your IDIQ Services.

ONLINE - Login to your Member Site > navigate to Account Settings and then de-select the Marketing Opt-In checkbox.

PHONE - Call IDIQ member support at (877) 875 - 4347 and request to opt-out of IDIQ special offers.

EMAIL - Click the opt-out link contained in an email offer you received from an IDIQ or Third-Party Offer.

Contact After Cancellation of Services

As found in this Agreement, you may continue to receive certain communications from IDIQ after you cancel your paid Services. You may opt-out from these communications going forward.

ONLINE - Login to your Member Site > navigate to Account Settings and then de-select the Marketing Opt-In checkbox.

PHONE - Call IDIQ member support at (877) 875 - 4347 and request to have your closed membership completely cancelled for ongoing communications.

Contacting IDIQ

You may contact IDIQ customer service during our regular business hours excluding certain common U.S. holidays by calling the toll-free phone number provided at the Member Site or by using the phone numbers or email address below:


IdentityIQ® 1 (877) 875- 4347

MyScoreIQ® 1 (800) 637-5590

DataBreachIQ® 1 (800) 331-3865


Allow up to 36 business hours for email support replies. Provide your member number with your email message and send it to: customerservice@identityiq.com


Proprietary Rights

You acknowledge and agree that; (a) all content associated in any way to our Services and products including, but not limited to, our Websites, Services, logos, customer support screens and methodologies, education material, communications and processes (collectively, “Content”) are the copyrighted work of IDIQ (or its third-party content suppliers) and is protected by copyright laws, (b) IDIQ’s trade names, including, IdentityIQ®, CreditReportIQ®, CreditScoreIQ®, CreditBuilderIQ® , DataBreachIQ®, MyScoreIQ®, ScoreCasterIQ® and all other IDIQ brand logos, all Website page headers, the look and feel of our Websites, custom graphics and button icons are service marks, trademarks and/or trade dress of IDIQ (collectively, the “Marks”), and (c) all other trademarks, product names, company names or logos on the Websites are the property of their respective owners and you have no right to use nor copy such property except as expressly permitted by IDIQ in this Agreement or elsewhere. You further agree not use any such Content or Marks for any purpose without the appropriate prior written authorization from IDIQ.

Certain brand names, trademarks, service marks, logos etc. belonging to IDIQ Third Party suppliers including FICO®, Experian®, TransUnion®, Equifax® and VantageScore® 3.0 are used under license by IDIQ but are owned by the respective IDIQ Third Party supplier.

Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

IDIQ is not a credit counseling service and does not promise to help you obtain a loan or improve your credit report, history, or rating. The terms of this section shall survive any termination, cancellation, or expiration of this Agreement. All Services, Content, tools and calculators are provided on an “as is” or “as available” basis. IDIQ and its respective Third Party suppliers expressly disclaim all warranties, guaranties and conditions of any kind whether express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title or noninfringement. The information contained in our Websites does not constitute legal, tax, accounting or other professional advice. IDIQ and its respective suppliers make no warranty that; (a) the Services and Content are accurate, timely, uninterrupted or error-free; and (b) the results that may be obtained from the use of the Services or Content will be reliable.

You understand and agree that IDIQ and its respective suppliers will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages resulting from or in any way arising out of your access to, use, or inability to use the Websites, Services, membership benefits or Content, or from your access to, use, inability to use, or reliance upon any linked Third Party website, even if IDIQ or its respective suppliers have been advised of the possibility of those damages. Some jurisdictions either do not allow or place restrictions upon the exclusion or limitation of damages in certain types of agreements, and in these jurisdictions, the aforementioned limitation on liability shall be enforced to the maximum degree permitted by applicable law. If, notwithstanding the above, liability is imposed upon IDIQ, then you agree that any such liability, regardless of the nature of the legal or equitable claim, shall not exceed the amount paid by you to IDIQ for the Service(s) you purchase from IDIQ.

In addition, the following limit of liability applies to all Services where the supplier is a credit reporting agency (a “CRA”) . Neither IDIQ, any CRA or any their respective affiliates shall have any liability to you as an agent in obtaining copies of your personal credit report, credit alert report, quarterly update, or Credit Score. Neither IDIQ, any CRA nor any of their respective affiliates or credit information subcontractors make any warranty, express or implied, for the accuracy of the information contained in or provided in conjunction with the Services you may be enrolled in. Neither IDIQ, CRAs nor any of their respective affiliates assume any liability for damages, direct or indirect, consequential or incidental, in connection with the performance of the services of your request, use or attempted use of the Servicers. Neither IDIQ, CRAs nor any of their respective affiliates or credit information subcontractors are responsible for negative factual information contained in any reports you receive or as part of the Service. The aggregate liability of all such parties to you in any event is limited to the amount which you have paid IDIQ for your Services.


By agreeing to these Service Terms, you indemnify and hold IDIQ, its officers, directors, employees, contractors, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures, licensees, and Third-Parties harmless from any claim or demand including reasonable attorney fees made by any third-party arising out of your breach of these Service Terms or your violation of any law or regulation or the rights of any third-party.

Export Control

IDIQ controls and operates our Services and Websites from our headquarters in the United States of America. The Websites, Content and Services are not intended for sale and are not appropriate for use outside of the United States or its territories. If you use the Website, Content or Services outside of the United States of America you represent and warrant; (a) you are responsible for following applicable local laws, (b) you are not located in a country that is subject to a U.S. Government embargo or has been designated a “terrorist supporting” country, (c) you are not listed on any United States Government list of prohibited or restricted persons, and (d) that you are fully responsible for any local taxes or United States tariff taxes that may apply to you or IDIQ as a result of such uses.

Binding Arbitration and Class Action Waiver


IDIQ believes that any question or concern you have with the IDIQ Services or this Agreement can be resolved by calling or otherwise contacting our customer service department as noted above. However, if you feel other relief is needed, then Arbitration is more informal than a lawsuit in court. Arbitration uses a neutral arbitrator instead of a judge or jury, allows for more limited discovery than in court, and is subject to very limited review by courts. Arbitrators can award much of the same damages and relief that a court can award. You agree that the U.S. Federal Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of this arbitration provision, and that you and IDIQ are each waiving the right to a trial by jury or to participate in a class action. This arbitration provision shall survive termination of your Services.

Notice of Claim - If you elect to seek arbitration, you must first send a certified written notice of your claim ("Notice of Claim") to IDIQ addressed as follows: IDIQ, Attn: Human and Business Services, 43454 Business Park Drive, Temecula CA 92590 and should be prominently captioned “NOTICE OF CLAIM.” The Notice of Claim should include both the mailing address and email address you would like IDIQ to use to contact you. If IDIQ elects to seek arbitration, it will send, by certified mail, a written Notice of Claim to your billing address on file in your membership. A Notice of Claim, whether sent by you or by IDIQ, must (a) describe the nature and basis of the claim or dispute; (b) set forth the specific amount of damages or other relief sought ("Demand"); and (c) whether you reject any subsequent modification of this Section by IDIQ.

Arbitration Proceedings - If we do not reach an agreement to resolve the claim within thirty (30) days after the Notice of Claim is received, you or IDIQ may commence an arbitration proceeding. You may download or copy a form of notice and a form to initiate arbitration at www.adr.org. The arbitration will be governed by the Consumer or Commercial Arbitration Rules, as appropriate, of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA") (collectively, the "AAA Rules") and will be administered by the AAA. The AAA Rules and Forms are available online at www.adr.org. All issues are for the arbitrator to decide, including issues relating to the scope and enforceability of this arbitration provision. The arbitrator shall issue a reasoned written decision sufficient to explain the essential findings and conclusions on which the award is based.

Arbitration Fees - Payment of all filing, administration and arbitrator fees will be governed by the AAA Rules. You are required to pay AAA’s initial filing fee, but IDIQ will reimburse you for this filing fee at the conclusion of the arbitration to the extent it exceeded the fee for filing a complaint in a federal or state court in your county of residence or in Clark County, NV. IDIQ will not seek to recover the administration and arbitrator fees we are responsible for paying under the AAA Rules unless the arbitrator finds that either the substance of your claim or the relief sought in your Demand for Arbitration was frivolous or was brought for an improper purpose (as measured by the standards set forth in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure).

Class Action Waiver - YOU AND IDIQ AGREE THAT WE EACH MAY BRING CLAIMS AGAINST THE OTHER ONLY IN OUR RESPECTIVE INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING. Unless both you and IDIQ agree otherwise, the arbitrator may not consolidate more than one person's claims with your claims and may not otherwise preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding. If this specific provision is found to be unenforceable, then the entirety of this arbitration section shall be null and void.

Governing Law

Except as governed by the federal laws of the United States these Service Terms and Services provided hereunder shall be governed by the laws of the State of Nevada, without regard to any laws that would direct the choice of other states laws.

Entire Agreement

This Agreement and the Service Terms herein, the Privacy Policy, and other policies IDIQ may post from time to time on the Member Site constitute the entire agreement between IDIQ and you in connection with your use of our Websites, the Services, and the Content, and supersede any prior versions of the Service Terms, if applicable. The Service Terms are effective until terminated by IDIQ. In the event of termination, the Proprietary Rights, Communications, Disclaimers and Limitations of Liability, Arbitration, and Governing Law provisions set forth in these Service Terms will survive. In the event of a conflict between any other notice, policy, disclaimer or other term contained in our Websites, Services or Content, these Service Terms will control. If any provision is deemed to be unlawful or unenforceable, it will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions. The section headings are for convenience only and do not have any force or effect.

Electronic Signature and Acceptance of Agreement

You agree that the successful completion of your Enrollment for Services or the subsequent purchase of Services after your Enrollment through our Website or other authorized method constitutes your acceptance of these Service Terms electronically as if you had physically signed the Agreement.

Effective Date: August 2, 2018

Last updated October 6, 2021